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A member registered Sep 17, 2017

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The music combined with the neon wackiness makes for great 80's feeling atmosphere. The fact that I have no idea what is going on or what I'm doing actually adds to the old school feel (whether intentional or not). Gamers 25+ years ago didn't have the convenience of the internet to hold their hand. Although a certain level of confusion can usually break a game (for me anyways) I find it adds to the feel that the developers hopefully are going for. I understand it is perhaps in early development and later on the environment might have more "going on" but hopefully the creators of this game understand that it will lose it's retro charm if too much is "going on". Although sometimes older games can have a feeling of emptiness in environments that in their hay day felt amazing it can work for or against them with Vapormaze. Hopefully they can achieve the perfect balance of this and keep this potentially great game going!